How To Avoid Burning Steak On The Grill

We all know the feeling of disappointment when we pull a beautifully grilled steak off the barbecue, only to find that it’s burned on the outside. While perfectly grilled steak is a delicious treat, it can be frustrating to spend time and effort grilling only to end up with an overcooked piece of meat. Even worse if it’s burned on the outside and raw in the middle!

In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to avoid burning your steak on the grill. With a little careful planning and attention, you can enjoy perfectly cooked steak every time you fire up the grill. Let’s get started!

How To Stop Burning Steak On The Grill

We all know the feeling of excitement that comes with grilling steak. The smell of charcoal, the sound of the sizzle, and the taste of perfectly cooked meat is hard to beat. But sometimes, no matter how careful we are, our steak can end up burnt. Ideally what you want is a nice juicy piece of meat with grill marks!

Here Are A Few Tips To Stop You Burning Your Steak On The Grill

Preheat Your Grill Before Cooking

No matter what you’re making, it’s important to preheat your grill before cooking. This will help ensure that your food is cooked evenly and prevent sticking. Simply turn on your grill to the desired temperature and let it heat up for about 10-15 minutes with the lid down before adding your food. And don’t forget to give the grates a good scrub before cooking to remove any built-up residue. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to have a delicious grilled meal in no time!

Season Your Steak With Salt And Pepper

For many it’s important to season your steak with salt and pepper before cooking it. This will help to bring out the flavor of the meat. You can either use a store-bought seasoning blend or make your own.

When making your own blend, start with a ratio of two parts salt to one part pepper. Then, add in other spices such as garlic powder, onion powder, or paprika to taste. Experiment until you find a blend that you like.

Once your steak is seasoned, it’s time to cook it. For best results, use a grill or cast iron skillet. If you’re using a skillet, make sure to heat it up for a few minutes before adding your steak. This will help to prevent the meat from sticking to the pan.

Cook your steak for about three minutes per side, or until it reaches the desired level of doneness. Then, let it rest for a few minutes before cutting into it.

Use Moderate Heat

If you cook your steak on too high of a heat, it will quickly become charred on the outside while remaining raw in the center. To avoid this, cook your steak over moderate heat. You can test the internal temperature of your gas grill by holding your hand about an inch above the grates. If you can only hold your hand there for a few seconds before it becomes too hot, your grill is at the perfect temperature.

Try using indirect heat. On a gas grill light the left and right burners on a medium heat but leave the middle burners off. On a charcoal grill, light the coals and wait for them to ash over. Fill the side baskets of the grill with the coals. If your particular grill doesn’t have side baskets then rake them to either side. Put a drip pan in the middle.

If you are cooking steaks that are less than 1.5″ then they will cook pretty quickly so they can go closer to the heat. Steaks over 1.5″ thick need to cooked away from the heat so keep them in the center away from any direct heat.

If fat is dripping off causing flare-ups then move the meat away from the flames.

By having different levels of heat across the grill it gives you control to move the meat to the most appropriate zone.

If the meat is burning then move it away from direct heat. If its not browning or getting grill-marks then move it nearer the heat.

Don’t Forget To Flip

It’s important to flip your steak several times during cooking in order to evenly cook both sides. Flipping also helps prevent burning by ensuring that each side spends an equal amount of time over the heat.

Know When It’s Done

The best way to know if your steak is cooked to perfection is to use a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak and cook until it reaches the desired temperature.

The USDA recommends that the internal temperature of your steak should be 145°F. However if you like your steak rare or even medium then you won’t be reaching those temps. Here is a chart of the internal and final temps to achieve the different the different levels of doneness. Don’t forget that a steak should be left to rest for a few minutes after taking it off the flame. Don’t cook only by the amount of time use a meat thermometer.

Remove from

Final cooked

Approx time at 450°F





Well Done154681607015+
Steak temperature chart

By following these simple tips, you shouldn’t burn your steak and you can enjoy a delicious, perfectly cooked meal. So fire up the grill and get cooking!

Make sure to eat that steak within a couple of hours or store it in your fridge for later.

Choose The Right Cut Of Steak

One of the most important things to consider when cooking a steak is the cut. Different cuts will have different levels of fat and tenderness, so it’s important to choose one that suits your taste. Here are some of the most popular cuts of steak:

Filet mignon: This is a very lean and tender cut of steak that is ideal for those who don’t like too much fat dripping.

Ribeye: This cut has more fat than the filet mignon, but it is also very flavorful.

New York strip: This is a leaner cut of steak that is still very tender.

Porterhouse: This is a thick cut of steak that is ideal for those who like their steak rare.

T-bone: This is a cut that includes both the filet mignon and the New York strip.

No matter which cut you choose, make sure to cook it to your liking. Rare, medium, medium-rare or well done? The choice is yours!

How To Avoid Burning Steak On The Grill: Summary

I hope this post has given you some helpful tips on how to prevent burning your steak on the grill. With a little planning and attention, you can enjoy perfect steak every time you fire up your grill. So next time you’re in the mood for a delicious steak dinner, don’t let the fear of overcooking keep you from enjoying it.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

How do you keep a steak from burning on the grill?

Direct heat cooking will sear the steak and provide an impressive appearance while indirect cooking finishes the steak without burning it. If you want to heat a steak for longer than three minutes, it must be done under moderate heat.

How do I stop my steak scorching?

Lower temperatures solves many problems! Preheat your grill to a moderate heat. Ideally create different areas on your grill where you can use direct and indirect heat.

Should I grill steaks on high heat?

High heat should be used to sear the meat but thick steaks in particular need more moderate heat in order to cook properly.

What should I do if my grill fires?

When it’s safe to touch the knobs on the gas grills, disable the burner. Immediately remove the food from the blaze and then starve the flames of oxygen by throwing baking soda or sand over them. Close the lid and any vents to further deprive the fire of oxygen.

Are flare-ups bad when grilling?

Flare-ups are caused by fat dripping from juicier cuts of meat onto a burner or the coals. This then ignites giving you some serious flames. To reduce the likelihood you could trim off excess fat before cooking the meat. You should also keep your grill clean to avoid a build up of fat that could cause problems the next time you cook.

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